Best Indonesian Travel Guide

Best Indonesian Travel Guide



Jambi Travel Guide

Jambi is the name of one province which has a capital named the same. Jambi is rich of natural products and has heteregonous society. Though there are many ethnic groups live in Jambi, Jambi is actually the origin place of Malay people. Those Malay pople are from Melayu Kingdom located in Batang Hari, Jambi. When you come to Jambi, you’ll be welcomed by a replica dancer statue located at the centre of the city near to Angso Duo market. There are many interesting spots you can go to in this Negeri Sepucuk Jambi Sembilan Lurah.

 Jambi was legtimated as karesidenan (administrative unit of the colonial period) by Netherlands when Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin passed away on April 27th, 1904. Jambi Residency was included into Nederlands Indie with its first rules was O.L. Helfrich. On March 9th 1942, Japan succeeded in taking it over from Netherlands, but on August 14th 1945 Japan gave up to Alliance Army. On the independence day, Sumatera became one province with Medan as the capital. There was a national meeting in Bukittinggi on April 18th 1946, decided to split Sumatera into 3 sub-provinces. Those sub-provinces are Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Tengah and Sumatera Selatan. Jambi Residency was then included into Sumatera Tengah Sub-Province. In 1948, those sub-provinces were legitimated as provinces, but the people of Jambi Residency wanted to make Jambi as a province. With all efforts done by them, then Jambi Province was legitimated on January 6th, 1957. This date then became the anniversary of Jambi Province until now.

 Jambi is capital city of the province of the same name in central Sumatra. It is a port town in the east of the province and is most noted for its access to the nearby ancient city of Muara Jambi.

Jambi came about because of its positioning on the busy India and China trade routes and its proximity to the nearby Muara Jambi from the ancient Srivijaya Kingdom. This large temple complex, 26kms from Jambi, is the main reason for visiting. It is Sumatra's largest archaeological site and was the seat of the Melayu Kingdom for centuries.
There's not much else worth seeing in Jambi although it does have some decent hotels, shops and eateries. Head to Batik & Handicraft Atelier, just out of the town center, for handicrafts. Other villages nearby worth checking out are Mendalo, Padang and Tanjungjohor.

 Jambi's Sultan Thaha Airport is a 60-minute flight from Jakarta and a short taxi ride from town. There are half a dozen flights a day from the capital as well as connections from Singapore. By bus, Jambi is 10 hours from Bengkulu and between 5 and 7 hours from Malaysia by boat.

 You can get around with different kinds of transportation. If you only want to explore the city, you can take public transport called "angkot". This public transport can take you around the city for 4000 rupiahs (2014). You just need to make sure you take the right Angkot with the right destination. They are different in colors. If you want a simple trip, you can take a motorcycle taxi called "ojek". The rider can take you anywhere in the city. You can negotiate the price depending on how far you want to go. You can also take taxis.(Cempaka, Trio Utama)
Check Out this Video about Wonderful Jambi
  • Muaro Jambi. Seat of the Melayu Kingdom in the 4th-13th centuries, and Sumatra's largest archaeological site.
  • Bukit Duabelas National Park. Some of the last reamining lowland rainforests in Sumatra, and home to the nomadic Orang Rimba tribe.
  • Taman Tanggo Rajo alongside Sungai Batanghari River bank, free entrance. Taman Tanggo Rajo is a kind of park alongside Sungai Batanghari river bank. If you go there in the afternoon, you can find a lot of snacks like grilled corn, bakso, chicken noodle, and sugar cane juice.
  • Kerinci Mountain. Gunung Kerinci is located in the border of the Kerinci Regency of Jambi province and South Solok Regency of West Sumatra province. It is the highest active volcano in Indonesia, last erupting in 2009, and is the peak of Sumatra island at 3805 meters above sea level. Kerinci Seblat National Park surrounds the mountain. Mount Kerinci can also be accessed from Padang. While you're there, check out the Kayu Aro tea plantations.

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