Best Indonesian Travel Guide

Best Indonesian Travel Guide



G-Land (Plengkung Beach), Fantastic Influx for Challenging Surfing Experience

Indonesia is most pleased with the Plengkung Beach at the eastern hint of Java Island. Apart from its charming natural splendor, the long curving seacoast line here's recognized as among the finest browsing sites on the facial skin of the planet earth. More familiarly known among world's renowned international surfers as G-land, the beach, found in the Banyuwangi Regency, is a heaven for surfers offering a few of the most remarkable waves in the global world. For, Plengkung Beach is dubbed "The Seven Giant Waves Wonder" by international surfers because of its legendary 7 rolls of waves that can are as long as 6 meters high.

The favorite name G-land itself is thought to have been distributed by surfers, where in fact the G is thought to make reference to three different meanings; "Great", "Green" or "Green Land", and "Grajagan". There's also others who claim that the name G-Land was presented with due to curving shoreline of Plengkung Beach that resembles the notice "G".

Why is G-Land's waves unique is that they break after 1-2 kilometres, moving from east to western with heights achieving 4-6 meters in about five minutes intervals. That is greatly preferred among surfers given that they may then enjoy thrilling long barrels. No wonder the beach has hosted at least five international surfing championships. With seven tiers of towering waves constantly striking the shores in the "go to remaining" formation, G-land is favorite with left-handed surfers also.

The waves of G-land are believed 2nd best waves on the planet after Hawaii only. Whereas Hawaii offers regular waves all full year, the peak of waves in Plengkung Beach occur predominantly between your months of April to August. Besides Hawaii and Plengkung, similar waves are available only in South and Australia Africa.

The huge swathe of white sandy beach is bounded by pristine lush renewable tropical forests secluded from any busyness of city life. Obviously you will not get any phone reception here or even a television set network. However, that is just what makes this beach so special: this can be a perfect destination to escape from the "modern city" atmosphere to enable you to truly enjoy what nature has so generously provided. Quite simply, forget everything else, get into the and browse just!

Get There

A couple of two main routes to access Plengkung Beach. The first and longest course is overland by car by the Banyuwangi-Kalipahit street. The length from Banyuwangi

to Kalipahit is approximately 59 Kilometres, this is accompanied by the Kalipahit-Pasaranyar street for 3 kilometres. From Pasaranyar, the street is constantly on the Trianggulasi-Pancur for another 15 Kilometres, before you finally  reach Plengkung (Pancur-Plengkung) after another 9 KM.

The second reason is via the land-water way. From Banyuwangi you can brain overland to Benculuk for about 35 Kilometres, and accompanied by the 18 KM option from Benculuk to Grajagan. From Grajagan Beach
take the quickness sail boat to Plengkung Beach. While some arrive by motorboat direcly from actually .

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