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Yogyakarta Traveling – Prambanan Temple

The Prambanan temple complex is one of the famous temples in Indonesia and UNESCO-designated world heritage site in 1991 in addition to the Borobudur Temple. Unlike the Borobudur Buddhist temple, Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple complex.
Nevertheless, the second Location is in Central Java also proves that the first Buddhists and Hindus live side by side with the pillars. The two big temples is also a proof of the progress of human civilization at that time because it was able to build the temples with a remarkable architectural art without the aid of advanced technology.
Prambanan temple complex also called has a thousand temples due to Roro Jonggrang folklore, but actually there are only around 240 temples in the complex these sights. These sights facing East, but there are four entrances in each eye of the wind. The main gate of the temple is located on the East side.

This temple is Shiva's offerings for which in Hinduism is known as the God of destruction. According to the Siwaghra inscription is kept in the National Museum of Indonesia, the original name of this temple complex is Siwaghra the derived from Sanskrit, which means House of Shiva.

Because of its status as offerings to Lord Shiva temple, then the main temple in the complex is the Temple of Lord Shiva who has 47 meters high. The main temple is located midway between the two temples of the God Vishnu Temple and Temple of Lord Brahma who each 33 meters tall. The third Temple is the deity of this Temple is called Trine. Inside the Temple there are statues of Gods each deity. In front of the third Temple of the deity of the temple there are three rides each vehicle representing the deity. Rides Nandi for Shiva, Angsa for Gods Vishnu and Garuda for Lord Brahma.
In addition to temples, there are still an awful lot of other temples in the complex, namely Kelir, Candi Apit, Candi Patok, and ancillary temples. All of it surrounds the temple Candi Trine. For ancillary temples, the laying of the temple is divided into four layers or zones are referred to as the description of the four castes of the Hindu teachings in human. The outermost layer is reserved for prayer caste sudra, the deeper layers to the next layer of the vaishya and two each for ksatrya and Brahmins.
In addition to the various types of such temples, in this tour there is also relief that tells the story of two phenomenal stories in the Hindu Ramayana Krishnayana. This relief is on the wall of the inside of the fence surrounding the Temple of Trimurti. Relief of Ramayana tell of the struggles of Rama is helped by Hanuman to seize Shinta, his wife who was kidnapped by Ravana. For Krishnayana, the relief of the journey of life tells the story of Krishna as an avatar or reincarnation of the God Vishnu.

In Prambanan temple complex there is a museum shaped joglo House. The Museum contains a collection of objects that are found around the Temple of the ancients such as statues and ancient rocks.
What can be done in Prambanan Temple?

The largest Hindu temple complex in Southeast Asia, you can perform a variety of fun things:

Get to know the art of literature and Hindu story
Just like the Temple of Borobudur, in place of this tour there is also relief storytelling. How to read this same relief, you have to enter from the East and then walk around the temple Trine unidirectional rotation clockwise. The relief on the inner fence has two stories regarding the Ramayana and Krishnayana.

No need to be confused if trouble reading these reliefs. You can use the services of a guide at the Prambanan temple complex. You can also go to the museum which is located in the northern part of the temple complex to get information about these attractions. Interestingly, to get into the museum, You do not need to pay again because it is already included in the price of the entrance ticket to the complex.

Hunting photos

This place became one of the favorite locations for photography lovers. You can take photos from different angles and Prambanan Temple will always look pretty sturdy stand. At night, these sights are getting prettier with the lights turned on and leading to the temple Gods. The third Temple, the gods appear to stand magnificently with golden light.
Go around the temple complex

You can walk around the tourist spots covering an area of 39.8 acres by foot. The court complex is planted with many plants, so that it looks like an extensive garden. Walking while watching the engraving on each temple will certainly make you more in awe of this great work. The carvings in the temples of this seem impossible by humans at the time of the technology has not been developed in ancient times.

The hunt souvenir

In the complex these sights have been constructed many stall selling typical souvenirs such as Prambanan Temple t-shirts, keychains, necklaces, bracelets to miniatures candi
Especially interesting in the Prambanan Temple?
If you want to enjoy the Prambanan Temple in a different way, come on the night of the full moon every month at 20:00 – 22:00. At the time, was termed Ramayana ballet performance at the open stage of the third Temple on the Trine God who highlighted the lights. Show in this outdoor stage is only done at the time of the dry season, whereas in the rainy season, the show moved to the stage.
Opening hours of the Prambanan Temple

Every day: 06:00 – 17:00

(At the time termed the pertujunkan Ramayana, you still can go to Prambanan temple at night after buying a ticket)
The price of the entrance ticket to the Prambanan Temple

Adults: 30,000 Dollars for CITIZENS and 18 USD for FOREIGN NATIONAL

Children: 12,500 Rupiah to CITIZENS and 9 USD for FOREIGN NATIONAL

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