Best Indonesian Travel Guide

Best Indonesian Travel Guide



East Java Traveling Guide

East Java (Jawa Timur)  covers the eastern third of the island of Java, Indonesia, as well as the island of Madura and several small offshore islands.
Map of East Java

Surabaya — capital of the region; Indonesia's second-largest city and a huge industrial sprawl
Banyuwangi — the Ijen Crater, famous Java arabica coffee plantations and ferries to Bali
Batu — charming old hill town that was formerly a Dutch colonial playground
Blitar — birthplace of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno
Bondowoso — prehistoric stones are scattered in the region and this is the western gateway to the Ijen Crater.
Jember — large city with verdant hills to the north and beautiful beaches to the south
Kediri — Mount Wilis, waterfalls and significant archeological sites
Malang — cool, clean air and the ancient seat of the Mataram kingdom
Probolinggo — gateway to the Bromo-Tengger-Semuru National Park
Lumajang — beautiful city, a city with unique bananas, a selokambang nature swimming
Jombang — City with various destination, start from nature landscape (waterfall, river, hill, cave, etc), religious (cruch, islamic, etc), and also history.
Mojokerto — In the edge of Mojokerto (Trowulan, border of Mojokerto and Jombang) there are a lot of Majapahit historical icon.

Other towns and cities
Bojonegoro — teak plantations and the unique Samin culture
Lamongan - Wisata Bahari Lamongan
Madiun — verdant agriculture and Mount Lawu
Trowulan - rich archeological site from Majapahit Empire, with some monuments dating from the 12th century

Other destinations

Ijen Plateu Located on the eastern tip of Java the Ijen Plateau is an ancient crater 134 sq km in area in which a trio of jagged volcanic peaks have been created that reach an altitude of 3,332 meters above sea level. Plantations have been long been established on the plateau's rich volcanic soil which also supports a diverse ecosystem of lush forests and abundant flora.

One of the main attractions of the area dazzling turquoise blue lake and blue fire of Kawah Ijen, where local labourers mine the valuable sulphur deposits from the water's edge and carry mineral-laden baskets weighing up to 80kg back to their villages.

Ijen is the ideal place to break the journey for those travelling the exciting overland route between Java and Bali.

Baluran National Park — large forest and coastal park. Relatively easy access to and from Bali
Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park — popular hiking destination featuring the still-rumbling Mount Bromo. The star attraction in the region, however it may be closed at times depending upon the eruptive status of the caldera
Madura — a dry and crowded island very much off the beaten path for visitors
Sempu Island
Sukamade — turtle conservation beach
Trenggalek — beautiful white sand beaches
Mount Bromo (left) and Mount Semeru (top right) - an iconic image of Indonesia

The spine of East Java is dominated by a series of rugged, spectacular volcanic peaks. The most famous of these are in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park and Semeru and Bromo together make up one of the great iconic images of Indonesia. There are four volcanic peaks higher than 3,000 m in the region. This volcanic activity has created a largely fertile area and verdant agriculture is a prominent feature of the area.

Both the north and south coasts offer some beautiful, deep, fine sand beaches and these are another key attraction of the region.

The two large southern national parks of Alas Purwo and Meru Betiri are remote and sparsely populated and represent the nearest thing to a wilderness experience that you will find on Java. In the north-east, Baluran National Park recalls African Savannah plains.

The island of Madura sits off the north eastern coast of the region and is as off-the-beaten-track as you can get in this part of Indonesia. That is slowly changing as the road bridge linking Surabaya to Madura opened in mid-2009.

Surabaya is the capital city and Indonesia's second largest. It is though largely bereft of attractions, over-crowded, polluted and supports sprawling industry. Few visitors stay in Surabaya for reasons of tourism. Malang is the second city of the region and a bigger contrast to Surabaya could not be imagined. It is a clean, airy city with an important and interesting history.

People in East Java speak Indonesian as well as Javanese which they mix together at times. A significant minority also speak Madurese. English will be understood and spoken at large city hotels and at obvious tourist destinations.

For all place names, beware that in the local East Javanese accent, "A" and "O" are largely interchangable: often the official spelling uses "A", but the locals pronounce it "O". Hence a resident of Surabaya is locally an arek Suroboyo and Cemoro Lawang and Cemara Lawang are the same place.
Get in
By plane

Surabaya's Juanda Airport is one of the busiest in Indonesia, with very frequent flights from Jakarta, Bali and other major Indonesian destinations. There are some direct international flights from destinations including Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Hong Kong, Taipei, and Bandar Seri Begawan.

Malang's Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport (IATA: MLG) is a small airport with a few flights everyday from Jakarta and Bali.
By train

Surabaya is connected by rail from Jakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta with many stop points in between [3]. It is possible to travel to the region from Bali with an all-in "train" ticket that also covers the necessary bus and ferry portions.

The popular star tourist attraction of Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is sadly not part of the Indonesian rail network.
By ferry

Ferries ply the route between Gilimanuk, Bali and Banyuwangi every 20 min, 24 hr a day. The crossing itself takes about 30 min, although embarking and disembarking can take much longer.

Surabaya is a major national and international port city and virtually every major coastal city in Indonesia is connected to it in some way. Check the national passenger ship operator Pelni [4]for detailed information.
By bus

Frequent buses travel across Java and this is a reliable, if not always comfortable, method of travel. All of the the major cities and towns in the region can be reached by bus.
Get around
By car

Driving anywhere is Java is a hazardous business for visitors not used to Indonesian driving habits. East Java is no exception and visitors are advised to rent a car with a driver if this is your chosen method of getting around in the region.
By train

The region is well served by the national rail network which connects all major cities and towns. [5]
Sunrise at the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park

The Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is the main attraction in East Java and accounts for a large percentage of overseas tourists who visit the region. The national park is named after its two mountains, Mount Semeru (the highest in Java at 3,676 m, Mount Bromo. the most popular. The Tengger people inhabit this area. Mount Semeru also known as Mahameru (Indonesian language holy mountain or seat of the gods), is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes. Semeru is often closed due to its highly active nature.

There are many opportunities for trekking in the park to suite all levels of physical fitness. One of the most popular activities (especially for the less energetic!) is to stay in one of the simple lodges in the park, then drive up to the top of Mount Penanjakan (2,770 m) pre-dawn in a 4WD vehicle and wait for a truly spectacular sunrise. Later in the day, a slightly more arduous 90 min climb up to the rim of the Mount Bromo caldera to view the bubbling active crater is very worthwhile. You can also make this ascent seated atop one of the local ponies.
The Ijen Crater in East Java

The Ijen Plateau near Banyuwangi and Bondowoso is a less well known but in its own way equally spectacular area of volcanic activity. The Ijen Plateau is the centrepoint of the large mountain range west of Banyuwangi and which abutts the Baluran National Park to the north. For the adventurous traveller a visit to the Ijen Crater (Kawah Ijen) is a must whilst in the region. The crater can be approached from Bondowoso in the west or Banyuwangi in the east. The Bondowoso route is recommended as the road is relatively better (although that is not saying much) and the 90 min foot climb much easier. When you arrive the colour of the water in the lake is scarcely believable being an extraordinary vivid aqua blue. Evidence of volcanic activity is everywhere with steaming water and brilliant yellow crystaline sulphur deposits. The Ijen Crater is one of the great natural wonders of Indonesia. If you arrive at Ijen before sunrise, you can see the BlueFire which is a phenomenon due to the self ignition of the sulfur produced by the volcano.

Malang is a city of great historical significance. It was a seat of major power in Java's Hindu past and the Dutch took a great liking to its relatively cool, fresh climate in the colonial period. Modern day Malang, although significantly urbanised, has retained much of its historical character and a few days looking around this lovely city and visiting nearby places of interest, will be time well spent. In the city centre a great first stop is Ijen Boulevard. This is a quite beautiful street lined with tropical trees against a backdrop of old colonial structures. The street houses a number of interesting buildings including the Brawijaya Army Museum, Immanual Catholic Church and the city library. Nearby Jalan Tugu is home of the city hall (Balai Kota Malang), the Tugu Monument, Aloon-Aloon Bunder (park) and the Tugu Hotel. The latter houses a magnificent collection of Javanese antiques and serves lunch or tea.

About 30 km south of Malang there are three lovely beaches close together: Balekambang, Ngliyep and Sendangbiru. It is best to visit on weekdays as this is a very popular weekend escape and it can get get crowded. It is not safe to swim here but these are great relaxation beaches which offer some stunning coastal scenery. There is a offshore island called Pulau Simpu which can be visited by chartering a boat from Sedangbiru beach. At Balekambang beach there are three little islets just offshore which are attached to the beach by walkways. Of the three beaches, Balekambang itself is the most attractive. The beaches are easily day-tripped from Malang in a car.

The Bondowoso region has many ancient stones spread across several districts including kenong stone, grave stones, sarkofag, and others. Alun - alun city is the main place to gather people (the crowd), to the north stood the Regent Hall, which is an old building, and there are also Dutch heritage building that is now a Junior High School 1 Bondowoso. There are many more Dutch heritage buildings in this city. about 10 km east of Bondowoso no brass handicraft center (Cindogo). Kalianyar village (sub-district Tamanan), 15 km south of Bondowoso is a good destination if you want to enjoy the countryside with cool air.

Ride in a 4WD up Mount Penanjakan in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park and experience one of the world's great sunrises.

Surf at G-Land near Banyuwangi.

Birdwatch in the Baluran National Park.

Collect some sulphur crystals at the Ijen Crater near Banyuwangi.

Get off the beaten track and drive over the new bridge to the island of Madura.

Watch a turtle laying eggs at Sukamade beach.

Experience whitewater rafting at Pekalen river, Probolinggo.


Eating is an extremely important part of life in East Java and there is an extraordinary range of options.

High quality western food is available in the large cities of Surabaya and Malang but there are so many local delights that any visitor is surely better off concentrating on these. Indonesian cuisine from all corners of this vast nation is widely available. As elsewhere in Indonesia, the best bet is often simple warungs and road-side stalls and the rule is to follow the local crowds.

The food of East Java is similar to that of Central Java. East Java foods tend to be less sweet and spicier compared to the Central Java ones. Fish and fish/seafood products are quite extensive, and terasi (dried shrimp paste) and petis udang (shrimp paste) are used a great deal. Specific East Javanese specialities include:

Rujak cingur, a salad with spicy sauce and cingur (slices of cooked cow nose).
Sate kelopo, satay with coconut rasp.
Sate Madura, spicy goat satay.
Lontong Kupang, Tiny clam soup with rice cakes
Lontong Balap, Bean sprouts and tofu with rice cakes
Semanggi Surabaya, Marsilea leaves with spicy sweet potato sauce
Pecel Lele, Deep fried catfish served with rice and sambal
Rawon, Dark beef soup
Bakwan Malang, Meatball soup with won tons and noodles
Arem aream, Pressed rice, tempe, sprouts, soy sauce, coconut, and peanuts.

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