Best Indonesian Travel Guide

Best Indonesian Travel Guide



West Java Travel Guide

West Java (Jawa Barat)  is the western third of the island of Java, Indonesia.
This fascinating province is the ideal starting point for your exploration of Indonesia. The capital of West Java is Bandung, which is easily reached from Jakarta by train, car or airplane. This lively university town features cool mountain scenes, hot springs and the best factory outlet shopping in the country.

Just seven kilometers from Bandung is the village of Padasuka, home to the famed Mang Udjo Angklung Workshop. The angklung is a traditional percussion instrument made from bamboo pipes, which are shaken to produce a tremolo. At the workshop guests can learn the art of making and playing this enchanting instrument, as well as enjoying art performances staged against the natural backdrop of mountains and rice fields. Visitors also are able to purchase their own angklung.

Located in the hills of West Java are the mysterious Badui people, who have maintained their traditions by isolating themselves from visitors and modernization. Tourists can arrange visits to the outer Badui villages, but the three inner villages of this fascinating people are strictly off-limits.

Banten is a another quiet coastal town in West Java that still bears the remnants of its past glory as the capital of an influential sultanate. Just off the coast of Banten is the Pulau Dua Bird Sanctury which has a large resident population of herons, storks and cormorants.

Further along the coast is Carita a popular resort area with nice sandy beaches. This is also the best place to charter a boat to the famous Krakatau volcano in the Sunda Straits. You also can arrange for a tour of Ujung Kulon National Park, an isolated area of primeval forest and untouched wilderness that is the last refuge of the Javan rhinoceros.
Map showing the location of West Java in Indonesia
Bekasi and Depok — satellites of Jakarta
Bogor — world-class botanical gardens (60 km south of Jakarta)
Bandung — the Parijs van Java of Dutch colonial days, now a university town with great factory outlet shopping
Other destinations
Puncak— Weekend getaway
Pelabuhan Ratu - a port and resort in a spectacularly beautiful bay.
Kampung Naga - a traditional village which still same for centuries until now.
Pangandaran - a beautiful beach located in the south-eastern most part of west java, it is the best known beach tourism in West Java.
Indonesian language, being official, is widely spoken and understood, and is the main language used in big cities and Jakarta metropolitan area. The local language is Sundanese, closely related to Indonesian/Malay but not mutually intelligible.
Get in

West Java surrounds Jakarta, the Indonesian capital city. Most of the cities in West Java can be reached by bus, car or train. To get to the southern parts of Cianjur or Sukabumi you need 4 wheel drive. Bandung, the largest city in West Java can be reached in two hours via Cipularang toll road.
Get around

You can get around easily in West Java use public transports or rent a bike, but be carefull of accident.

Banten Kraton, the ruin of Banten Sultanate Palace. Burned and destroyed by Dutch in 1808.

Umang Island, A beautiful private owned resort island on the west of Pandeglang, Banten. Near "Anak Krakatau" volcano. Website: Pulau Umang. Driving time: up to 5 hours from Jakarta.

A Nobel Savage (Baduy Tribe), [2]. As strange as its people and culture are, baduy Village offers a unique adventure opportunities for you who enjoy the outdoors. Explore the virgin tropical rain forest, alpine terrain, terraced hamlets and some more scenic considerations. Adventure the humble, simple and innocently smiling people who resist un-shiveringly your modern lifestyle for centuries.  edit

Sundanese nasi timbel (rice in banana leaf) with ayam penyet ("smashed" fried chicken), sambal chili sauce and lalapan fresh veggies

West Java is best known for Sundanese food, which unusually for Indonesia places a special emphasis on fresh or even raw ingredients. The quintessential Sundanese dish is nasi timbel, which consists of rice wrapped up in a banana leaf, an assortment of raw vegetables known as lalapan (a term that covers cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, coriander leaves, cabbage and more), a freshly pounded chili sauce known as sambal dadak, some tofu or tempeh and maybe a chicken leg, catfish (ikan lele) or some salted fish. This is commonly served with sayur asam, a sour vegetable soup flavored with tamarind. A textural specialty of Sunda (West Java) is karedok, a fresh salad made with long beans, bean sprouts, and cucumber with a spicy sauce. Other Sundanese dishes include mie kocok which is a beef and egg noodle soup, and soto Bandung, a beef and vegetable soup with daikon and lemon grass. A hawker favourite is kupat tahu (pressed rice, bean sprouts, and tofu with soy and peanut sauce). Colenak (roasted cassava with sweet coconut sauce) and ulen (roasted brick of sticky rice with peanut sauce) are dishes usually eaten warm.

Please try Bajigur, a coconut milk plus coconut sugar drink with Banana steam or Bandrek, a ginger plus coconut sugar drink in Bandung surrounding area.
In Jakarta and Bandung you can find hotel up to 5 stars and many budget hotels can be found which are not star hotels, but clean, shower ready with only relative small room, but be aware some of them have only a limited parking lots. 2 stars hotels can be found easily in entire West Java.

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