Best Indonesian Travel Guide

Best Indonesian Travel Guide



Ngurbloat Beach, Exeptional Beach in Maluku

Photo yourself on an amazing beach surrounded by charming natural splendors with little or nothing but vast stretches of white sands as very soft as flour underneath you. No, this is not some imaginary beach on a disney; this is what awaits at Ngurbloat Beach at the Ngilngof Village, Southeast Maluku Regency, on Kei Island, in the province of Maluku. Ngurbloat Beach is commonly known as by locals as the Long Sands Beach, since it goes on and on for 5 kilometer from Ngurbloat Beach in Ngingof Village all the way to Ngursamadan Seaside in Ohilir Village, Kei Kecil District.

This swathe of white sand is also why is this beach so exceptional. The sands are so smooth and soft that the Domestic Geographic dubbed it as: the softest beach sands in Asia. Lines of coconut trees decorate the shores over the spoiling sands overlooking the great blue sea, creating a truly magnificent sight. One particular will truly find one self embraced by the beauty of every inch of beach. The soft fine sand also make this a perfect location to play beach volley, football, build sandcastles, or perhaps lay back and soak in. Its beauty under the tropical sunshine.

You can also notice from afar how local fishermen cast their netting. As day slowly can become night, and the sunshine sets on the very good horizon, nature presents some of its best artworks at Ngurbloat Beach. The turning colors of the sky from deep unknown into golden yellow with shades of orange is a truly magnificent eyesight. If you are equipped with camera, this is truly the one shot be sure you not miss.

Get There

To reach Kei Island in the Maluku Province, you must first stay on course to
the capital city of Maluku Province. By Ambon you can earn an air travel by small carrier to the town of Tual, the capital town of Southeast Maluku Regency. The 20 km flight will require a little over an hour. 5. From there you can continue to Ngurbloat Beach by hiring an automobile or take a public transport from Ohoijang Market. The overland trip will take approximately one hour. You can also take the PELNI vessel from Yos Sudarso Slot in Ambon to the Tual Port which will take about 18 several hours.

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